I personally think that we are not sufficient concerned about the environment and how our actions can affect the whole world.
Actions like recycling, going on public transport etc… can make a big difference . When I talk to my friends I see that they are not so concerned because we there are man people who already thinks that it is not something so important and that in just nineteenth years we can not damage the environment. For those who think that way, I would advice them that all together must fight against climate change. For example, things so simple like buying a product which doesn’t embrace green politics only because they are cheaper is a big mistake. Unfortunately, the big part of the products are pollution ones and all of them can really disturb the balance.
We are getting to the point in which we are seeing cities and cities with an extremely air pollution where people is forced to wear masks because if they don’t do it, at the end, they could probably have respiratory illnesses.
I would like to be greener, because I believe that sometimes I should strive more on my day to day for example buying waste recycling and trying to think and not to forget that we must take care of our world, our “big house”.
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